Blog posts
Thoughts on software and engineering.
AntiPatterns in the wild
Anti Patterns in the wild.
Javascript Web Tokens
Slides from the LiveRez ‘In the Engine Room’ developer meeting that I presented in.
AngularU Recap
Slides from the presentation I gave at the Boise Angular Meetup.
How to improve website speed and performance - Part 2
The development environment should have the tools to recreate production or at least something similar, but the code shouldn’t be minified and concatenated until it goes to the production server.
Website Speed and Performance Optimization - Part 1
Website optimization is extremely important with the advent of the mobile devices. Your website costs your visitors money, whether they know it or not, because bytes aren’t free.
Day 5 Validate
The goal for the final day is to share the prototype with users outside of your company. Because I was the only one on the project, I could share it with everyone.
Day 4 Prototype
This has been my favorite day! Take all of the ideas, sketches, and notes build a prototype.
Day 3 Decide/Converge
Day 3! Lots of brainstorming has been, so now it’s time to choose one of the solutions.
Day 2 Diverge
Here is the Google venture post to go with day two.The diverge step is when “everyone” breaks off and creates as many ideas as possible.
Day 1 Understand
Take the idea, dig into it, and understand the problem. In this case, my problem isn’t anything unique; it’s a blog.