Day 3 Decide/Converge
Day 3! Lots of brainstorming has been, so now it’s time to choose one of the solutions.
Look out for conflicts
Since I’m solo on this project, I didn’t run into many conflicts. Although, I had several ideas for the general look and feel of the website:
Should there only be posts? In a few of the sketches, I had some projects on the home page. For now, I will leave posts on the home page and add a portfolio later.
Design Language… Should I create my own style, pick a framework, or do both? I decided to look at Google’s Material Design, since it answers most of my existing design choices.
Test Assumptions
Identifying assumptions about your users is important. Since this is a basic website, coming up with assumptions was really difficult. If this project was more like an application or more user dependent, I would create a testing plan for the assumptions I had identified.
User Storyboard
This storyboard is to focus the team on what will be prototyped. In my case, the problem I have is not unique since it’s a simple website. So I will skip this step and move on to the prototype day.
This was the day to narrow down the ideas generated and choose the ones I want to prototype in day four. Today worked well for a solo project, but would have translated well in a team environment.