Hi, my name is

Frank Linehan.

I like building awesome software.

I’m a software engineer out of Portland, Oregon specializing in high performance frontend engineering.


Software Engineer

I’m an experienced software engineer, with strong skills in client-side and server-side Javascript, modern CSS, and a variety of back end technologies. I've professionally built websites, performance monitoring agents, and dabbled in game development.

I support and level up my peers day to day. I’m big on leadership by example, technical collaboration, and mentorship.

When not online, I’m found in the backcountry with my wife — skiing during the winter, trail running when the snow is gone, and mountaineering when the weather is good.

Technical Skills


I’ve worked in a super wide variety of programming languages and environments. When I have been involved with backend systems, I have used Rails, Java Spring, and Node.JS.





Languages and Technologies



  • JavaScript

  • HTML


  • Node.js

  • React/React Native

  • GIT


  • Ruby on Rails

  • Objective-C

  • Java

  • Next.js